速報APP / 教育 / Smart Quiz

Smart Quiz





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Smart Quiz(圖1)-速報App

Smart Quiz App is an educational application that can test your general knowledge to the fullest. All questions are multiple choice and have only one correct answer.

Key features of this app :

✓ Train your brain with the awesome app.

Smart Quiz(圖2)-速報App

✓ Questions for all age group.

✓ Fast and Easy to Use.

✓ Works Offline - No Need Internet Connection.

Smart Quiz(圖3)-速報App

✓ Latest Questions and Answers.

✓ User Friendly & Simple Graphics.

✓ Installs quickly, It's less than 7MB.

Smart Quiz(圖4)-速報App

✓ It doesn’t require any Special Access.

✓ Regular updates of database.

✓ It’s absolutely FREE !

Smart Quiz(圖5)-速報App

✹ Knowledge is power. Test your General Knowledge! Smart Quiz is a multiple-choice quiz app. You can compare your knowledge with the rest of the world !

✹ If you are looking for smart tricky questions or mind games quiz or brain exercise or brain game app you are in the right place.

✹ Do you feel that you are ready to play? Come and show the world that you are the smartest.

Smart Quiz(圖6)-速報App

✹ Few questions are confusing & tricky. You must think hard to give the correct answer.

✹ Challenge your mind with the best mind tricks, logic questions & start training your brain now !

✹ This Smart Quiz app will test your knowledge.

Smart Quiz(圖7)-速報App

✹ This multiple-choice quiz is great for teachers and students who want to brush up on their general knowledge.

✹ With a super database of questions and always adding more, Smart Quiz will test your knowledge to the fullest.

✹ At what level do you think your general knowledge is?

Smart Quiz(圖8)-速報App